The World Leader
in On-line Analysis

Real Time Instruments enables you to make Intelligent Decisions in Real Time, so you can Recover More, Waste Less, and Take Control of your operations.

Our High-Technology, World-Leading elemental and moisture analysers play a critical role in the delivery of integrated solutions which empower you to achieve Maximum Yield and Real-Time Results.

Allscan PGNAA Product Logo at Realtime Instruments

Improve Efficiency

The world’s most advanced PGNAA analyzer.

Identify Quality as it passes through the processing facility.

No longer wait for lab data and have unacceptable lag times.

AllScan Cf-252 Elemental Analyser Product at Realtime Instruments

Maximise Recovery

The smartest neutron generation elemental analysers in the world.

Real-time quality control for material operations.

Maintain the grade of product being sent to Power Stations.

Specification Control

In-situ, online real-time material sampling analysis.

Remove unnecessary wait time for material monitoring.

Use instantaneous product composition results.

Tangible Improvement

Fastest and most-accurate on-belt ash analysis in the World.

State-of-the-art nuclear & microwave technology.

Save Millions in penalties and maximize productivity.

Within 1% of the desired set point!

Designed to be practical, the AshScan is simple to install, set up and calibrate.

Fastest and most accurate on-belt moisture analysis in the World.

Gain Better visibility and control over ore grade.

Gammascan Product Logo at Realtime Instruments
GammaScan – DUO Product at Realtime Instruments

Assured Product Delivery

Where a radiation source is not an option, the GammaScan is that solution.

State-of-the-art natural gamma measurement & microwave technology.

Real-time data on coal quality provides maximum productivity. 

Fastest & Most Accurate Guaranteed

Fastest and most accurate on-belt calorific value analysis with the use of a radioisotope. 

Protection at the infeed of food production milling facilities. 

Preventing breakdowns and maximizing productivity.

GammaScan Product at Realtime Instruments

The Global Leader in Online Moisture Analysis

Most advanced moisture measurement solution for any bulk material transported on conveyors.

Real-time immediate effective decision-making.

Measures 100% of the material in real-time guaranteed.

Within 0.5% of annual targets

High-fidelity data, enabling better process insight.

Innovative moisture measurement on disc or belt filters, screw filters or chutes.

Accurately control plant balance saving millions of dollars annually.

Consistency is the Key

Ensure you ship a more consistent product.

Adhere to environmental (dust) control measures.

Avoid exceeding Transportable Moisture Limits. 

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