Value Proposition

Improve efficiency, maximise recovery, and keep your inputs or product within specification with RTI’s AllScan cross-belt elemental analyser. For real-time, on-line optimisation and monitoring of your material processing operations, the AllScan CF 252 will deliver the quality data you need to make critical decisions.

Purpose built for the demanding mining and mineral processing environment, AllScan’s rapid deployment, high availability, and sustained accuracy will help you deliver profit, cost, and compliance improvements across your operations.

AllScan Cf-252
Coal Mining

The AllScan CF-252 PGNAA analyser combines state-of-the-art nuclear technology with ground-breaking spectra modelling and powerful statistical analysis. Installed on a conveyor belt, the AllScan delivers accurate, minute-by-minute elemental analysis and reporting of the chemical composition of bulk materials and key process parameters.

AllScan Coal

At the heart of the AllScan is PGNAA – prompt gamma neutron activation analysis. Material on the conveyor is bombarded with neutrons emitted from a radioactive isotope or a neutron accelerator (Ngen).

When neutrons collide with an element in the material, gamma rays are emitted with a specific energy unique to that element, creating a chemical signature for that element. The greater the amount of an element in the material, the greater the number of gamma rays emitted with the corresponding specific energy. By measuring the specific energy of the gamma rays that are emitted and the counts of gamma rays, an accurate analysis of the chemistry of the material is generated on a second-by-second basis.

Theory of Operation

Other on-line analysis technologies applied in coal applications, such as IR/NIR/-FTIR and XRF/EDXRF analyses the material/sample surface only, while the penetrating concept of PGNAA measures the entire product stream. RTI’s AllScan analyser has been developed to address practical analytical challenges experienced with less advanced analysers. Best in class robustness of the applied calibration model, high tolerance towards material depth variations, and effects from layering on the belt conveyor through the analyser are some of the most notable benefits of AllScan. Very low installation costs and moisture analysis capability always included with no added costs make the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for a typical cement installation the lowest on the market.

The AllScan provides real time analysis of elemental composition that is used to improve monitoring, sorting and blending operations in:

  • Underground Coal Mines
  • Processing Plants
  • Coal Fired Power Stations

AllScan is used for the applications of Raw Coal, Plant Feed, Clean Coal and Blended Coal.

The AllScan is the most affordable, accurate and easy-to-install cross belt analyser of its kind in the world today.

AllScan ® has two key advantages over other analysers:

  • A much higher tolerance to changing coal types (e.g. from different seems), eliminating the need for multiple calibrations
  • It provides much more information than just Ash, as it directly measures individual elements like Fe, Al, Si, K, S, Ti, Ca and other elements. The AllScan has proven results for the measurement of trace elements such as P, Hg, As and Se. The AllScan also directly measures moisture.

Combining state-of-the-art nuclear technology (PGNAA) with ground spectral modelling (sophisticated algorithm DURA-G ® incorporated to dramatically reduce the measurement error), the AllScan delivers accurate, minute-by-minute elemental analysis and reporting of Key Process Parameters such as:

  • Direct calorific value
  • Co2 emissions factor
  • Base/Acid ratio
  • Fouling Index
  • Slagging Index
  • Ash Fusion Temperature
  • Moisture content

  • On-Line, Real Time Results
  • Pro-active vs. Re-active control of coal quality
  • Higher Performance
  • Full Elemental Plus Moisture Analysis
  • Easy to Install
  • Safe
  • Low Running Costs
  • Rugged and Reliable
  • No Air conditioner requirement
  • Flexible Input / Output Data
  • Remote Access as Standard
  • Global Reach, Global Expertise and Global Product Support

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