Solutions-based approach for new RTI CEO

World class innovation, and harnessing new technologies to deliver sustainable real-world solutions, is what Jason Fisher gets super excited about.

It’s one of the reasons the seasoned, METS-focused leader is the perfect fit for one of the world’s leading METS sector elemental and moisture analysis companies, RTI – Real Time Instruments.

Taking the reins of the global exporter, which is headquartered in the Australian METS hub of Mackay, in Queensland, Jason has immediately turned his attention to how RTI’s world-leading tech delivers real and tangible value to customers globally.

“The global mining and resources industry is under considerable cost and social pressures at the moment – at a level the likes of which we have seldom, if ever, seen in in the sector,” Jason said.

“RTI has a suite of solutions and a team of world-leading innovators which, together, can deliver outcomes and value to customers across coal, critical mineral, cement, power generation, food production, biofuels and shipping sectors.

“The visibility and customer experience we give operators empowers them to make critical decisions and have control where and how they need it. And whether it be protecting the bottom line, boosting production, reducing emissions or working toward decarbonisation targets, RTI’s products and services are designed to play a critical role in collaboratively-developed integrated solutions.”

Having lived and worked on just about every continent on the planet (except Antarctica – and even then, he never says never!), Jason brings to the role a fresh perspective that’s underpinned by a not-often-seen depth of skill and experience.

A Canadian by birth – with an Aussie accent that sounds right at home in North Queensland – Jason is excited to bring to RTI a new approach to delivering value and real solutions. He is all about his team, getting the processes right and screaming the value and virtues of what RTI delivers from the rooftops.

This is his second spell in Mackay, having worked in the region a few years ago; and Jason, his wife, Alita, and their two adored canines are excited to make Mackay their home.

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